Roxx Life

Case of the Fountain Pen

So, a couple of weeks ago, I went to the mall with my sister. As per usual, we stopped by MINISO.

If you don’t know what MINISO is, it’s basically a Japan-based designer brand that sells various products ranging from household items, daily life products, health and beauty, fashion accessories, digital products, to food and beverages. The brand has over 3,000 stores worldwide, so you might find one, or two, in your own country. 😉

Continuing, we actually went there because my sister wanted to buy some of their non-slip rubber slippers that are quite popular here in Jakarta. Those slippers are actually comfortable to wear and really non-slippery. They are good enough to wear in the bathroom too, I heard.

So, while my sister looked for those slippers, I went around the store, intending to just browse around. If you know MINISO, you might be able to relate with me in this one: I looooveeeee to just look around at those adorable things in the shop! I like trying their product samples for the digital accessories like the portable mini fans, the headphones, and once I tried out their keyboard (Don’t ask!).

Anyway, while I was browsing around, I stumbled upon the stationery aisle, which is one of my favourites. I went there to check out their stationery stuff. As expected, there were adorable things and functional at the same time, not to mention, quite cheap. AND! At that aisle, there were plenty discount labels!

Who doesn’t love a good discount, right!?

Then, I looked around at their pen station, which is on the eye level. They have good pen selections and again, I’m a sucker for stationery, so seeing those cute pens, I wanted them all! But, I managed to hold myself back to NOT buy another pen since I still have quite a good amount of them at home. I was pretty proud of myself, well, that is until I looked down.

…and there it was. The fountain pen.

At this point, I was really contemplating, deeply. I mean, really seriously. The tagged price near this pen was 29,900IDR (around $2.10), and I was like, REALLY!?? But then I turned my head and saw the other pens beside these fountain pens. The price on that was 49,900IDR (around $3.51). And I thought perhaps that was the price for the fountain pen as well because it made sense to have these pens priced a bit higher than just 29,900IDR.

While questioning about the price, I took one box of the fountain pen and asked one of the employees there for the actual price of this pen. Is it 29,900IDR or 49,900IDR? Because if it had been the latter, I wouldn’t buy it at all. For economical reason, and for the fact that I don’t really need a new pen. I JUST wanted to have a fountain pen. I would want to buy the Parker or Montblanc, but that’s for later. They’re beautiful, yet super expensive, so ain’t nobody got money to spend for those lovely fountain pens right now!

A couple of minutes later, the employee returned with the knowledge of the price. And ladies and gentlemen, it was 29,900IDR!! Yeay!! So I immediately decided that I would buy this pen. And I DID!

Oh, also, since I went to MINISO during the Eid Mubarak season, so the store kind of offered a sweet deal of 50% discount if you pay with the cashless payment, OVO. So in final price, I got the pen for only half the price! :)))

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This fountain pen comes in four pieces: the body, the cap, and two ink cartridges. In the photo above, I’ve already put in one of the inks inside the body since I tried the pen already. Yeah, couldn’t wait to try writing with it.

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Don’t judge my handwriting, okay!? It’s actually not my usual handwriting, but since writing with this pen, I thought it would be nice to write in a cursive style. 🙂

As you can see, the pen glided smoothly, despite some patches when pointing the tip in a certain way. So, I had to write really on point with the tip for it to write beautifully and smoothly. Also, the tip is bolder and wider than I would’ve preferred, making the writing a lot thicker than my usual likings. But, for that kind of price, I don’t really mind. At all!

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Here’s another sample of my handwriting. You can see some blobs on the writings there: with the ‘w’ and the ‘r’. Again, don’t really mind it that much.

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In overall, I do like this pen very much. I like the transparency of the body and the ‘baldness’ of it without any brand printing on. Just like the box said, it is a simple-design and smooth-writing fountain pen, which I’m so glad to have and carry it everywhere with me in my bag.

Having this pen really inspires me a lot more to start writing again, both in paper and digitally. I mean, it’s a freaking fountain pen that is so inexpensive, yet feels so inspiring! So, I’m really, really happy with this purchase.

That’s my story for the day. What do you think of this pen? Do you like it? If so, I would  totally recommend it for you to buy it. And if you do, let me know what you really think about it! Although, I have to let you know that MINISO is always bringing new products every week, so I don’t know if it would still be there or not. Better make haste and visit their stores right way if you really want to buy this pen. 😉

Till next post!



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